2025 Spring Mechanics' Institute Women's Tournament - Online | Mechanics' Institute

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2025 Spring Mechanics' Institute Women's Tournament - Online

Sunday, February 16, 2025 to Sunday, March 23, 2025

2025 Spring Mechanics' Institute Women's Championship - Online
Pairings -- Standings

 Register via Jumbula
Registration has been extended:
Sign up by 2/16 Saturday 6PM to be included!
Back by popular demand: Repeating the 2021 Spring & Fall, 2022 Summer and 2023 Spring & Fall Mechanics' Women's Championships.
This tournament is offered to all the women who have been part of our Free Women's Class coached by FIDE Trainer Sophie Adams or have played in any of our in-person or online tournaments. 
New this year: the tournament will have a very small registration fee, simply to make sure that players are invested! If this fee is a financial burden, please let us know at [email protected] and we will happily waive it.
The tournament will go from February 9 to March 23 with the following format:
If this fee is a financial burden, please let us know at [email protected] and we will happily waive it.
2. Game time control: G/60+5 (game in 60 minutes with 5 second increment)

3. There will be 5 rounds: each round's pairings will be announced Sunday morning before the class.

Pairings and standings will be posted on Chess.com: https://www.chess.com/club/mechanics-womens-club -- Click Join if you are not yet part of the club!

Players should arrange a time to play the game. They have until Saturday 6PM to find time and complete the game.

Week 0: 2/9-2/15 -- Still signup!
Round 1: 2/16-2/22
Round 2: 2/23-3/1
Round 3: 3/2-3/8
Round 4: 3/9-3/15
Round 5: 3/16-3/23

We have one week either to adjust the schedule if needed due to President's day holiday, or to add one more round if we get enough players.
  3a. Games can be started by the players by challenging each other, or they can reach out to Judit and she'll help start the game at the requested time. Tutorial video on how to issue a challenge can be found here: https://youtu.be/Dd4uCKMmUpw (will review and update soon!)
  3b. Alternatively, if players don't want to challenge each other, Judit can do this for them on Tuesday evening at 7PM Pacific Time. Please email your request to [email protected].
4. Reporting results to [email protected] is not necessary but much appreciated.
Updated standings and pairings will be posted on the event page.
5. Tournament will not be USCF-rated, but follow US Chess rules, and fair play will be taken seriously.
6. Award: Top 3 winners in both sections will receive a free entry to our Tuesday Night Marathon or any 1-day tournament Mechanics' is organizing.
Any questions? [email protected]
Prize Winners: 







