58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament (FIDE-rated) | Mechanics' Institute

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58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament (FIDE-rated)

Saturday, June 22, 2024 to Sunday, June 23, 2024

4-Round Swiss -- Full Weekend, FIDE-Rated Tournament

Open to Everyone!


Final Standings -- Prize Winners

Dates & Location -- Tournament Format -- Byes -- Prize Fund

Registration -- Eligibility -- Tournament Rules  -- Change Request Form -- FAQ

Masks are optional in the chess room.
Tournament capacity: 80 players

Update: the tournament is full. You may sign up for the wait list free of charge and we will let you know if a spot becomes available.




1. Dates & Location

• Saturday, June 22 - Sunday, June 23

• Location: Mechanics' Institute Chess Room
  57 Post Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104 (click here to map)

2. Tournament Format:

• Tournament Format: Individual Swiss

• Total Rounds: 4

• Round Times: Saturday 10:00 am, 2:00 pm and Sunday 10:00 am, 2:00 pm

• Time Control: G/90+30s inc  (Game in 90 minutes with a 30-second increment after each move.)

• Games will be US Chess regular-rated and FIDE-rated. Tournament results will be submitted immediately after the last round is finished.

• Sections: 2000+, 1600-1999 and under1600.

• Pairings are based on the June 2024 supplemental regular US Chess ratings.

• Play-up:Players must have a 1800 USCF regular supplemental or actual rating in order to be eligible to play up to the 2000+ section, and similarly, players must have a 1400 USCF regular supplemental or actual rating in order to be eligible to play up to the 1600-1999 section.

• Unrated players can only play in the u1600 section.

• To request any change, please use the Change Request Form.

3. Byes

• Byes are available for players in any round in case they can't participate but would like to stay in the tournament.

• A maximum of 2 half-point byes can be requested in this tournament.

• Round 1-3 byes must be requested 15 minutes prior to the round start time.

• Round 4 byes must be requested before the start of Round 1. Round 4 bye is irrevocable to prevent prize-fund manipulations.

• Late registrations will receive a half-point bye for any missed round, up to a total of 2 rounds.

• To request a bye after registration, please use the Change Request Form.

4. Prize Fund

• $2600 based on 80 paid entries. 

  2000+ 1600-1999 u1600
1st Place $425 $325 $250
2nd Place $325 $225 $150
3rd Place $225 $125 $100
Best under2200 $100    
Best under2000 $100    
Best under1800   $75  
Best under1600   $75  
Best under1400     $50
Best under1200     $50

• Under prizes are based on USCF OTB rating.

• Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing prize checks.

• Per IRS rules anyone with a cumulative $600+ prizes in any calendar year will need to fill out a W-9 form and Mechanics' Institute will be providing a 1099 form at the end of the calendar year.

5. Registration

• Onsite Registration: Saturday, June 22: 9:30 am-9:45 am

• Mechanics' Institute Member: $70

• Non-Member: $100

• Play-up for member: $15

• Play-up for non-member: $20

• Late fee on the day of the tournament: $20

• $5 admin fee for all cancellations & refunds.

• Free entry for GM/IM/WGM/WIMs by June 15. 

• Click here to register: https://mechanics-institute.jumbula.com/2024Tournaments/58thArthurStamerMemorialTournament

• To request any change, please use the Change Request Form.

6. Eligibility

• Players must have current US Chess Federation membership. Expiration date of their US Chess membership must be later than the last day of the tournament.

• Not sure if you have a membership? Need to check the expiration date of your members? Visit: https://new.uschess.org/player-search

• Become a member or renew your membership: https://new.uschess.org/player-search

7. Tournament Rules

• Standard US Chess and modified FIDE rules apply.

• Forfeit time is 60 minutes. Please be considerate of your opponent, and don't be late! Let us know if you can't make it to one round!

8. FAQ

• What do the time controls mean?
The time controls tell you how much time you have for each game.
For example, G/90+30inc means game in 90 minutes with a 90-second increment with each move. This means you get 90 minutes, your opponent gets 90 minutes, and at each move 30 seconds are added to your clock.

• How many games/rounds?
The 4SS before the time control means there are four rounds or four games a player can play in the tournament. The tournaments are never elimination, so win or lose you can stay in the tournament.

• Players Database
For players who are interested in playing in our tournaments, please fill out our Players database: https://forms.gle/X3hChCWbusHp4Ze56 to get email notifications about last-minute changes and invitational opportunities. 


Mechanics' Institute Chess Club reserves the right to update any details of this event (including but not limited to sections, time control, round times, prize fund, etc.) as we get closer to the event date to ensure an excellent tournament experience for players.

Prize Winners: 


Tournament Name: 58th Stamer Memorial    
  Date: June 22-23, 2024    
  Pay out % $2,600 100%
based on 80 paid entries
Actual Payout
$2,568 99% 79 paid entries    
  2000+ 1600-1999 u1600
  Projected Actual Projected Actual Projected Actual
1st Place $425 $420 $325 $321 $250 $247
2nd Place $325 $321 $225 $222 $150 $148
3rd Place $225 $222 $125 $123 $100 $99
Best Under2200 $100 $99        
Best Under2000 $100 $99        
Best Under1800     $75 $74    
Best Under1600     $75 $74    
Best Under1400         $50 $49
Best Under1200         $50 $49


Prizes. 58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament: 2000+

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool
1 IM Mark Heimann (3.5/2513) 420.00 1st Place: $420
24 Liam Liu (3.0/1829) 128.40 2nd Place: $321;
3rd Place: $222;

Best u2200: $99;
5-way split of $642: $128.40 each
2 Daniel Cremisi (3.0/2400) 128.40
4 FM Henry Deng (3.0/2320) 128.40
5 Luke Widjaja (3.0/2205) 128.40
6 Alex Hayden Shrauger (3.0/2204) 128.40
18 Zee Chin (2.5/1915) 49.50 Best u2000: $99:
2-way split: $49.50 each
16 Yuvraj Singh Sawhney (2.5/1995) 49.50


Prizes. 58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament: 1600-1999

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool
5 Zion David Chiu (4.0/1704) 321.00 1st Place: $321
3 Vivaan Pavuluri (3.5/1744) 172.50 2nd Place: $222;
3rd Place: $123;
2-way split of $345: $172.50 each
8 Robert Crompton (3.5/1675) 172.50
24 Arjun Rao (3.0/1526) 37.00 Best u1800: $74;
Best u1600: $74;
​4-way split of $148: $37 each
25 Thomas Gu (3.0/1520) 37.00
10 James Bao (3.0/1661) 37.00
14 Mohammad Soltani (3.0/1600) 37.00


Prizes. 58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament: u1600

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool
6 Binh Khac Nguyen (4.0/1221) 247.00 1st Place: $247
5 Charlie Schaezlein (3.5/1237) 148.00 2nd Place: $148
8 Joylin Li (3.0/1191) 99.00 3rd Place: $99
12 Arav Munjal (2.5/1112) 49.00 Best u1400: $49
3 Vaibhav Vijay (2.5/1281) 24.50 Best u1200: $49;
2-way split: $24.50 each
4 Clem Xi Yue (2.5/1251) 24.50


SwissSys Report: 58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament

SwissSys Standings. 58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament: 2000+

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 IM Mark Heimann 12802899 2513 W9 W7 W2 D4 3.5 420.00
2 Daniel Cremisi 14543654 2400 W16 W12 L1 W14 3.0 128.40
3 FM Henry Deng 16681298 2320 W24 W20 U--- W13 3.0 128.40
4 Luke Widjaja 16010621 2205 D17 W21 W15 D1 3.0 128.40
5 Alex Hayden Shrauger 15328908 2204 W26 H--- D6 W16 3.0 128.40
6 Liam Liu 30390852 1829 D8 W22 D5 W12 3.0 128.40
7 Neil S Bhaduri 16717750 2144 W25 L1 D17 W23 2.5  
8 Max Hao 16083648 2087 D6 D17 W19 D9 2.5  
9 Yuvraj Singh Sawhney 17095004 1995 L1 W26 W18 D8 2.5 49.50
10 Zee Chin 16965808 1915 L11 D25 W29 W22 2.5 49.50
11 FM Varun Krishnan 12908029 2394 W10 D15 D13 U--- 2.0  
12 Theodore Biyiasas 13989054 2179 W27 L2 W24 L6 2.0  
13 Ivan Zhou 17352346 2069 D18 W29 D11 L3 2.0  
14 Kanwar, Jr Sethi 16874098 2043 H--- D19 W28 L2 2.0  
15 Austin Jin 17144712 2023 W28 D11 L4 D17 2.0  
16 Reyansh Paragiri 30233070 1974 L2 W27 W21 L5 2.0  
17 Anand Sethuraman 16418477 1845 D4 D8 D7 D15 2.0  
18 Jayden David Lee 30137668 1819 D13 D23 L9 W28 2.0  
19 Reyansh Gupta 17164653 1817 D22 D14 L8 W27 2.0  
20 Hayes Alexander Marvin 30636603 1810 W30 L3 D23 D24 2.0  
21 Ansh Shrivastava 30136879 1801 B--- L4 L16 W29 2.0  
22 Sivavishnu Srinivasan 16778004 2028 D19 L6 W25 L10 1.5  
23 Wayne W Ballantyne 10231892 1997 D29 D18 D20 L7 1.5  
24 Xavier Enrique Negron 14909287 1899 L3 W30 L12 D20 1.5  
25 Tapas Aarav Natraj 17303765 1830 L7 D10 L22 W30 1.5  
26 Leo Ni 30407439 1844 L5 L9 W30 U--- 1.0  
27 Michael Xiao 16380636 1843 L12 L16 B--- L19 1.0  
28 Rehaan Malhotra 30118209 1812 L15 B--- L14 L18 1.0  
29 Marina Xiao 16380642 1809 D23 L13 L10 L21 0.5  
30 Robert D Whitaker 11268005 2000 L20 L24 L26 L25 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament: 1600-1999

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Zion David Chiu 31871459 1704 W20 W18 W15 W8 4.0 321.00
2 Vivaan Pavuluri 30203278 1744 W19 W17 W14 D3 3.5 172.50
3 Robert Crompton 31442886 1675 W6 W16 W7 D2 3.5 172.50
4 James Bao 17304162 1661 W31 L7 W26 W20 3.0 37.00
5 Mohammad Soltani 12889183 1600 L22 W31 W28 W11 3.0 37.00
6 Arjun Rao 30140896 1526 L3 W9 W13 W14 3.0 37.00
7 Thomas Gu 17005685 1520 W12 W4 L3 W15 3.0 37.00
8 Adam Mercado 16571026 1802 D25 W23 W10 L1 2.5  
9 Caleb Martinez Cespedes 31785847 1921 L18 L6 W23 W25 2.0  
10 Colin Yi 16685250 1730 D23 D25 L8 W21 2.0  
11 Shiv Sohal 30032729 1680 D26 D27 W25 L5 2.0  
12 Neev Grover 16652883 1675 L7 L21 W32 W29 2.0  
13 Benjamin Yu 30360050 1640 L28 W29 L6 W26 2.0  
14 Rakshita Dhanasekar 16966452 1614 W32 W22 L2 L6 2.0  
15 Silas Nathaniel Chiu 31871516 1605 W21 W28 L1 L7 2.0  
16 Vihan Grover 30105977 1590 W29 L3 L21 W28 2.0  
17 Ethan Wangchen Gao 30512285 1582 W30 L2 H--- H--- 2.0  
18 Hoa Long Tam 16919862 1566 W9 L1 L22 W24 2.0  
19 Chase Wang 15015852 1560 L2 W32 H--- H--- 2.0  
20 Anjali Rao 30140885 1550 L1 W30 W24 L4 2.0  
21 Tingxuan Liu 17234081 1453 L15 W12 W16 L10 2.0  
22 Tao Ni 30260481 1440 W5 L14 W18 U--- 2.0  
23 Raajas Kunal Dixit 30053822 1556 D10 L8 L9 W32 1.5  
24 Aida Amin 16668895 1678 D27 D26 L20 L18 1.0  
25 Sri Ansh Dumpala 16709284 1566 D8 D10 L11 L9 1.0  
26 Neal Sundar 17307025 1542 D11 D24 L4 L13 1.0  
27 Ansh Shenvi Priolkar 30065668 1541 D24 D11 U--- U--- 1.0  
28 Tingshun Liu 30055687 1468 W13 L15 L5 L16 1.0  
29 Hugo Pu 31093860 1412 L16 L13 W31 L12 1.0  
30 April Ni 30407426 1403 L17 L20 B--- U--- 1.0  
31 Brian Kuehl 16693924 1488 L4 L5 L29 U--- 0.0  
32 Angela Zixi Wang 30598637 1462 L14 L19 L12 L23 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 58th Arthur Stamer Memorial Tournament: u1600

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Binh Khac Nguyen 31695943 1221 W17 W7 W12 W5 4.0 247.00
2 Charlie Schaezlein 31629140 1237 D15 W6 W14 W8 3.5 148.00
3 Joylin Li 30158030 1191 W19 W4 L5 W12 3.0 99.00
4 Vaibhav Vijay 30547901 1281 D6 L3 W16 W15 2.5 24.50
5 Clem Xi Yue 17078702 1251 W11 D14 W3 L1 2.5 24.50
6 Arav Munjal 16640722 1112 D4 L2 W17 W14 2.5 49.00
7 Shivam Kumar 31900589 unr. W10 L1 D9 W13 2.5  
8 Anton Bobkov 30162536 1359 H--- H--- W15 L2 2.0  
9 Advait Anand 30208962 1179 L12 W17 D7 D11 2.0  
10 Gary Edward, Jr Gross 30390036 1138 L7 W19 H--- H--- 2.0  
11 Anirudh Gutta 30214880 1074 L5 W18 D13 D9 2.0  
12 Irineo Aragon Quintero 31931497 unr. W9 W13 L1 L3 2.0  
13 Shreya Munjal 16293311 1211 W18 L12 D11 L7 1.5  
14 Anish Venkat Nagulapally 16976202 1128 W16 D5 L2 L6 1.5  
15 Callum Luke Anderson 30235133 974 D2 W16 L8 L4 1.5  
16 Albert Martin Starr 12844781 1500 L14 L15 L4 W18 1.0  
17 Yulan Wang 30518588 917 L1 L9 L6 W19 1.0  
18 Jonathan Dai 31493104 914 L13 L11 W19 L16 1.0  
19 Brian Keith Langendorf 30893468 753 L3 L10 L18 L17 0.0  
Mechanics' Institute