Welcome our new Communications Manager, Jimmy! | Mechanics' Institute

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Welcome our new Communications Manager, Jimmy!

This past June, Jimmy de Guzman joined Mechanics’ Institute as our Communications Manager. He hopes to lend his experience and expertise towards helping redefine the Institute’s role as a locus and focus of knowledge building and skill development in San Francisco, the Bay Area, and beyond. 

We asked Jimmy a few questions to help introduce him to the Mechanics' Institute community:

What interests of yours brought you to Mechanics' Institute? A favorite book or genre to read, favorite movies, types of programs?

I’ve spent 18 years in the Bay Area as a Marketing Communications, Branding, and Design professional. I enjoy Science Fiction and Fantasy as a genre. I love really good animation or smart scripts.

What will you be doing? How do you hope your work will help Mechanics' Institute?

As Communications Manager, I’ll work with all areas of the Institute with their communications needs, including the website, social media, and weekly and quarterly newsletters. I hope to improve the Institute’s exposure and the public’s general knowledge of Mechanics’ Institute. 

What is the most interesting thing you’ve discovered/learned/enjoyed about Mechanics' Institute in this short time?

The Membership, Staff, and the Board of Directors are passionate about the Institute.

What do you envision for the future here?

I hope to lend my experience and expertise towards helping redefine Mechanics’ Institute’s role as a locus and focus of knowledge building and skill development in San Francisco, the Bay Area, and beyond. How that manifests is both the challenge and what excites me about my role.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I’m an art and performance art nerd, so I enjoy theater, dance performances, or going to museums. I have been known to grace a Karaoke stage occasionally, but not too recently. 

Tell us something interesting/fun you’ve done recently?

About 2 years ago, I designed a logo and illustration for the World Economic Forum for their Zero Emissions Urban Fleets (ZEUF) initiative. An initiative to expedite the electrification of urban fleets by 2030. 


Final Fun Fact: Jimmy lived in Tokyo for ten years, but his love of sushi, karaoke, and musical theater started well before that time.

You can find Jimmy in suite 504, or roaming the library and 4th fl. finding inspiration from the Mechanics' Institute building, people, and environment.

Posted on Sep. 20, 2023 by Bobbie Monzon