The Contest of the Century: The New Era of Competition with China – and How America Can Win | Mechanics' Institute

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The Contest of the Century: The New Era of Competition with China – and How America Can Win
by Geoff Dyer

Photograph of Geoff Dyer

Geoff Dyer, former Financial Times Beijing bureau chief gives us a balanced and far-seeing analysis of the emerging competition that will dominate 21st century geopolitics. China’s plan to globalize the yuan and their recent claim to airspace in the East China Sea has signaled a power push. Dyer paints vivid pictures of the places that are defining this new era of competition, from China’s James Bond-style underground submarine base, through Vietnam and Malaysia and Brazil, to the cafés in Burma where activists plotted campaigns against Chinese influence. He argues that if Washington can adjust to a world in which it is no longer dominant but still immensely powerful, it can retain its ability to set the global agenda in the face of China’s challenge.

This even is co-sponsored by Asia Society.

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Geoff Dyer is the journalist for the Financial Times and has been a correspondent in China, the U.S. and Brazil. He is the recipient of a Fulbright award and of several journalism awards, including one Society of Publishers in Asia award for a series of 2010 opinion pieces about China’s role in the world. He studied at Cambridge University and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He lives with his family in Washington D.C.

Author photograph by Michael Lionstar.

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