Eduardo Halfon Canción Fic Halfon
Lydia Millet Dinosaurs Fic Millet
Rubén Degollado The family Izquierdo Fic Degollado
Claire Keegan Foster Fic Keegan
Antoine Wilson Mouth to mouth Fic Wilson
Alice Elliott Dark Fellowship Point Fic Dark
Russell Banks The magic kingdom Fic Banks
Jonathan Escoffery If I survive you Fic Escoffery
Emma Straub This time tomorrow Fic Straub
Moses McKenzie An olive grove in Ends Fic McKenzie
Danielle Steel The Whittiers Fic Steel
Historical Fiction
Yiyun Li The book of goose Fic Li
Hugo Hamilton The pages Fic Hamilton
Louise Kennedy Trespasses Fic Kennedy
Kristin Harmel The book of lost names Fic Harmel
Geraldine Brooks Year of wonders: a novel of the plague Fic Brooks
Mystery, Suspense, Thrillers, Espionage & Intrigue
Katie Gutierrez More than you'll ever know Fic Gutierrez
Namwali Serpell The furrows: an elegy Fic Serpell
Jane Smiley A dangerous business Fic Smiley
Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror
Dean R. Koontz Midnight Fic Koontz
Short Stories
Chelsea T Hicks A calm & normal heart : stories Fic Hicks
Arinze Ifeakandu God's children are little broken things : stories Fic Ifeakandu
Ladee Hubbard The last suspicious holdout : stories Fic Hubbard
Leigh Newman Nobody gets out alive : stories Fic Newman
Toni Ann Johnson Light skin gone to waste Fic Johnson
McSweeney's. Issue no. sixty-nine. SS M175
Comic Books, Graphic Novels & Comic Strips
Paolo Parisi Keith Haring : the story of his life 741.5 H28p Comics
Matteo Farinella Neurocomic 612.82 F227 Comics
W. Maxwell Prince Rainbow sprinkles 741.5 P935 Comics
Universal (Children's)
L. Frank Baum The lost princess of Oz Child Fic Baum
Applied Sciences
Bethany Brookshire Pests: how humans create animal villains 632.6 B791
Biography & Genealogy
Rob Delaney A heart that works 792.7 D373
Tim Scott America, a redemption story: choosing hope, creating unity 328.7309 Sco832
F. E. Close Elusive: how Peter Higgs solved the mystery of mass 530.92 C64
Laurence Leamer Capote's women: a true story of love, betrayal, and a swan song for an era 813.54 C2463
Business & Economics
Ben Stevens The birth of a building: from conception to delivery 332.6324 St471
John Tamny The money confusion: how illiteracy about currencies and inflation sets the stage for the Crypto revolution 332.4 T152
Steve Case The rise of the rest: how entrepreneurs in surprising places are building the new American dream 658.152 C337
Vicki Cook Estate planning 101: from avoiding probate and assessing assets to establishing directives and understanding taxes, your essential primer to estate planning 332.024 C771
Danny Gormally Pandemic shark: a journey through the world of chess improvement 794.12 G671p
Efstratios Grivas The passed pawn: power of the passer, an innovative course 794.12 G872
P. A. Romanovskiĭ Selected games Peter Romanovsky 794.15 R75
Michiel Abeln The Anand files: the World Championship story 2008-2012 794.159 A533a
Eric Schiller The Chessplayer's laboratory: Vol. 1 Polugayevsky-Nyezhmetdinov, Sochi, 1958 794.1 S33
Borolijib Zlatanovic The essence of chess strategy 794.12 Z825e
Health & Medicine
Philippa Snow Which as you know means violence: on self-injury as art and entertainment 616.8582 Sn611
Deborah A. Miranda Bad indians: a tribal memoir 979.4 M672
Richard Brandi Garden neighborhoods of San Francisco: the development of residence parks, 1905-1924 979.461 B818g
Daniel Akst War by other means: how the pacifists of WWII changed America for good 940.5316 A315
Kevin R. C. Gutzman The Jeffersonians: the visionary presidencies of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe 973.5 G985j
Margaret A. Burnham By hands now known: Jim Crow's legal executioners 342.73 B935
Literature & Writing
Miguel de Unamuno Essays and soliloquies 864 U54
Rachel Kushner The hard crowd: essays 2000-2020 814.6 K968
Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Erica Thompson Escape from model land: how mathematical models can lead us astray and what we can do about it 511.8 T371
Sabine Hossenfelder Existential physics: a scientist's guide to life's biggest questions 530 H794
Performing Arts & Music
Jerry Seinfeld The Comedians in cars getting coffee book 792.7 Se44
Politics & Government
Bradley B.Onishi Preparing for war: the extremist history of white Christian nationalism--and what comes next 322.1 On4
Social Sciences & Current EventsElizabeth Williamson Sandy Hook: an American tragedy and the battle for truth 371.782 W676
April White The divorce colony: how women revolutionized marriage and found freedom on the American frontier 306.89 W582
Beverly Lowry Deer Creek Drive: a reckoning of memory and murder in the Mississippi Delta 364.152 L955
Susan Jonusas Hell's half-acre: the untold story of the Benders, a serial killer family on the American frontier 364.152 J739
Javier Sinay The murders of Moisés Ville: the rise and fall of the Jerusalem of South America 364.152 Si61
Isidra Mencos Promenade of desire: a Barcelona memoir 306.7 M522
David L. Bradford Connect: building exceptional relationships with family, friends, and colleagues 302 B727
Travel & Geography
Dorthe Nors A line in the world: a year on the North Sea coast914.89 N81
Gilles Poitras Tokyo stroll: a guide to city sidetracks and easy explorations 915.2135 P756
Marie Farman The 500 hidden secrets of Paris 914.436 F233
Rick Steves Venice. 914.53 S848
Universal (Children's)
Marcelo Verdad The worst teddy ever U Verdad
Derick Wilder Does a bulldozer have a butt? U Wilder
Mallory Loehr I'm a unicorn U Loehr
Chris Harris If you laugh, I'm starting this book over Harris
Ibram X. Kendi Magnolia flower U Hurston
Maya Tatsukawa Sunday pancakes U Tatsukawa
Christopher Denise Knight Owl U Denise
Rebecca E. F. Barone Unbreakable: the spies who cracked the Nazis' secret code U 940.54 B268