Arts, Architecture & Crafts
Jean Strouse Family romance : John Singer Sargent and the Wertheimers 759.13 S925
Gayle Boss Everything but gray : the life of Audley Dean Nicols 758.1 N652
Ken Lum 779.092 L957
Robert Sullivan Double exposure : resurveying the West with Timothy O'Sullivan, America's most mysterious war photographer 778.93 O85
Patrick Grant Less : Stop buying so much rubbish : How having fewer, better things can make us happier 746.92 G761
Biography & Genealogy
Lili Anolik Didion & Babitz 813 A615
Robert Hilburn A few words in defense of our country : the biography of Randy Newman 780.92 N551
André Aciman Roman year : a memoir 813 A181
Vera Brittain Testament of youth : an autobiographical study of the years 1900-1925 828.912 B859
Cher Cher : the memoir. Part one 780.92 C521
Business & Economics
Paulina Bren She-wolves : the untold story of women on Wall Street 332.642 B837
Christine Benz How to retire : 20 lessons for a happy, successful, and wealthy retirement 332.024 B479
Michael Hudson Super imperialism : the economic strategy of American empire 337.73 H886
Sunil Amrith The burning earth : a history 333.7 A527
Alessandro Bossi The duel : the parallel chess lives of A. Alekhine and J.R. Capablanca 794.15 B745
James A. Magner Chess juggler : balancing career, family and chess in the modern world 794.1092 M196
Food & Drink
Aimee Nezhukumatathil Bite by bite : nourishments & jamborees 641.3 N575
Bebe Black Carminito The curated board : inspired platters & spreads for any occasion 641.812 B627
Ilan Pappé A very short history of the Israel-Palestine conflict 956.94 P218v
Michael Rapport City of light, city of shadows : Paris in the Belle Époque 944.36 R221
Languages & Linguistics
Susie Dent Interesting stories about curious words : from stealing thunder to red herrings 422 D414
Amanda Frost You are not American : citizenship stripping from Dred Scott to the Dreamers 342.7308 F939
Literature & Writing
Joy Harjo An American sunrise : poems 811 H282
Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Katherine Rundell Vanishing treasures : a bestiary of extraordinary endangered creatures 591.68 R941
Philosophy, Psychology & Religion
E. Ernst More harm than good? : the moral maze of complementary and alternative medicine 174.2 E714
Social Sciences & Current Events
Adam Kuper The museum of other people : from colonial acquisitions to cosmopolitan exhibitions 305.8 K967
David Jay Relationality : how moving from transactional to transformational relationships can transform our lonely world 302 J421
Travel & Geography
John Hanson. Mitchell Following the sun : a bicycle pilgrimage from Andalusia to the Hebrides 914.04 M681
Marc Di Duca Top 10 Munich 914.33 E975t
Panama 917.287 L847
Wendy Yanagihara Ecuador & the Gàlpagos Islands 918.66 L847
Bethany Pitts Moon Ecuador & the Galápagos Islands 918.66 M818
The rough guide to Berlin. 914.315 R856
Andrew Collins Fodor's Utah 917.92 F653