Applied Sciences
Alec Nevala-Lee Inventor of the future : the visionary life of Buckminster Fuller 620.92 F96n
Arts, Architecture & Crafts
Photobooks : Spain 1905-1977 779.0946 P566
Erwin Blumenfeld Erwin Blumenfeld : paintings, drawings, collages & photographs 709.2 B626
John Crichton Henry Evans : bookseller, printer, publisher, printmaker 769.92 Ev151
William C Darrah Stereo views : a history of stereographs in America and their collection 778.4 D252
Mark Braude Kiki Man Ray : art, love, and rivalry in 1920s Paris 709.2 K55b
Biography & Genealogy
Stephanie Johnson Tanqueray 792.092 J630
Zachary D Carter The price of peace : money, democracy, and the life of John Maynard Keynes 330.92 K44c
Business & Economics
Alex J Taylor Forms of persuasion : art and corporate image in the 1960s 659.1 T212
George Monbiot Regenesis : feeding the world without devouring the planet 338.1 M736
Ivan Sokolov Magnus Carlsen's Middlegame Evolution 792.123 C284s
Michael Adams Think like a super-GM 794.1 Ad171t
Emanuel Lasker 794.1092 L352e
Food & Drink
Sally Schmitt Six California kitchens : a collection of recipes, stories, and cooking lessons from a pioneer of California cuisine 641.5979 Sch564
Health & Medicine
Camper English Doctors and distillers : the remarkable medicinal history of beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails 615.78 En361
Niall Ferguson Doom : the politics of catastrophe 362.1962 F35
Daniel Gibbs A tattoo on my brain : a neurologist's personal battle against Alzheimer's disease 616.83 G353
M R Green Shadowlands : a journey through Britain's lost cities and vanished villages 941 G820
Ulrich von Hassell The Ulrich von Hassell diaries, 1938-1944 : the story of the forces against Hitler inside Germany 943.086 H276
Michael S Neiberg Dance of the furies : Europe and the outbreak of World War I 940.311 N397
Rinker Buck Life on the Mississippi : an epic American adventure 977 B922L
Levi Roach Empires of the Normans : conquerors of Europe 940.1 R53
Graham Robb France : an adventure history 944 R631f
James Belich The world the plague made : the Black Death and the rise of Europe 940.192 B431
Damon B Akins We are the land : a history of Native California 979.4 Ak52
Home & Family Management
Christopher Howard The new golden door to retirement and living in Costa Rica : Costa Rica's official guide to relocation and inexpensive living in Latin America's number one relocation destination and peaceful tropical paradise 646.79 H831
Languages & Linguistics
Ellen Jovin Rebel with a clause : tales and tips from a roving grammarian 428.2 J829
Literature & Writing
George Saunders A swim in a pond in the rain : in which four Russians give a master class on writing, reading, and life 891.73 S257
Elaine Castillo How to read now : essays 814.6 C278
author. Aristotle How to tell a story : an ancient guide to the art of storytelling for writers and readers 808.54 A71
Hieu Minh Nguyen Not here 811.6 N499
John Walsh Circus of dreams : adventures in the 1980s literary world 828 W168
Elizabeth Salter Edith Sitwell 821 S623s
Ivor John Carnegie Brown Shakespeare 822 S529br
Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Ed Yong An immense world : how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us 591.5 Y55
Seirian Sumner Endless forms : the secret world of wasps 595.79 Su66
Performing Arts & Music
John Corbett A listener's guide to free improvisation 781.36 C789
Nina Nesseth Nightmare fuel : the science of horror films 791.436 N374
Philosophy, Psychology & Religion
Jesmyn Ward Navigate your stars 158.1 W259
Jennifer Lynn Aaker Humor, seriously : why humor is a secret weapon in business and life : And how anyone can harness it. Even you. 152.43 Aa41
Simran Jeet Singh The light we give : how Sikh wisdom can transform your life 294.6 Si643
Brené Brown Daring greatly : how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead 158 B877da
John Koenig The dictionary of obscure sorrows 152.4 K819
Paths of dissent : soldiers speak out against America's misguided wars 172 P273
Social Sciences & Current Events
Ken Auletta Hollywood ending : Harvey Weinstein and the culture of silence 364.153 A924
Clare Sears Arresting dress : cross-dressing, law, and fascination in nineteenth-century San Francisco 306.77 Se175
Paul Pringle Bad city : peril and power in the City of Angels 362.29 P936
Pete Hegseth Battle for the American mind : uprooting a century of miseducation 370.11 H362
Henry Kissinger Leadership : six studies in world strategy 303.34 K618L
Michael Maccoby The leaders we need : and what makes us follow 303.34 M133
Daphne De Marneffe The rough patch : marriage and the art of living together 306.81 D391
Marian L Salzman The new megatrends : seeing clearly in the age of disruption 303.49 Sa397
John H McKane Inside Muni : the properties and operations of the Municipal Railway of San Francisco 388.46 M191
Travel & Geography
The rough guide to Iceland 914.91 R856
Daniel Bacon Walking San Francisco on the Barbary Coast trail 917.946 B12
Jane Huber 60 hikes within 60 miles, San Francisco : including North Bay, East Bay, Peninsula, and South Bay 917.946 H875
Rick Steves' Germany 914.3 S848
Rick Steves' Prague & the Czech Republic 914.37 S848
Eyewitness New York City 917.471 E975
Lonely Planet Berlin 914.315 L847
Lonely Planet Costa Rica 917.286 L847
Lonely Planet Japan 915.2 L847
Lonely Planet Barcelona 914.672 L847
Insight Colorado 917.88 I59
Insight Portugal 914.69 I592
James Kaiser Yosemite : the complete guide 917.9447 K135