Face Time with an Editor | Mechanics' Institute

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Face Time with an Editor
an interactive class with David Colin Carr

Produced In partnership with the San Francisco Writers Conference.
This event will take place via Zoom - please register via the Register Now button (to your right) and the Zoom credentials will be sent to you prior to the class.

A lot can be learned about writing and self-editing from watching an editor in the trenches. It can also calm your trepidation about submitting your own writing for editorial scrutiny. With four writing samples and/or structural concerns in front of you, you’ll track how an editor explores the specific challenges in live conversation with a writer. There will be time to address everyone's questions.

Ticketing closes for observers on February 4.
Ticketing closes for submitters on January 29.

If you’d like to offer a writing sample (fiction or nonfiction), please submit:
* Five pages (1500 words max) at least a week in advance in this format: MS Word, Times New Roman 12 pt, double-spaced, indented paragraphs. ($50)
* A two-paragraph text (the back-cover copy) that is a seductive sales pitch that tells readers what they can expect (the base of all your marketing copy). ($20)
* A five-sentence (max) story outline for fiction; or for nonfiction the five most relevant points—assumptions the reader brings, plus what they will learn. ($20)

Or if you have questions only about structure or where to begin, send a concise (one-page) outline of what you have and what you’re confused about. I will focus on the four or five submissions that offer the most instructive and diverse learning for observers. If your piece is not included, I will give personal feedback privately.

Please direct questions and submissions to Taryn Edwards, [email protected]
David Colin Carr has been editing and coaching writers of fiction, nonfiction, and memoir for structure, pacing, originality, voice, style, clarity, and linguistic richness for 30 years internationally.

For each class, we reserve the right to cancel at any time and issue a full refund. If you are unable to attend your class, please email [email protected] at least ten days prior to receive a refund. All fees must be paid at the time of registration.

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay


Submit a Writing Sample $50
Back Cover Copy/Outline $20
Observer $10
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Offsite: See description for location
Information Desk - 415-393-0102
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Future Classes

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Apr 29 - 12:00 pm

Poems of Chinese Exclusion
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May 3 - 3:30 pm

Exploring Library Resources for Members: Genealogy Research with Steven Dunlap
A skillshare series for Members where curiosity knows no bounds, and learning is a shared adventure!

May 8 - 6:00 pm

Weaving Community Through Storytelling
with Kate Farrell