Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 6:00 pm

Through the lens of their unique perspectives and expertise, Anna and Kate will uncover the broader implications of food as a tool of both preservation and power. Join us for an evening of thoughtful exploration, where the simple act of eating reveals itself as a powerful lens on history, identity, and the resilience of cultures under threat.
About the Food Writers
KATE LEAHY had written or collaborated on more than a dozen books on food and wine, including Italian Wine, Wine Style, Lavash, and Burma Superstar. Her first book, A16 Food + Wine, won the IACP best book of the year and the Julia Child first book award. She co-hosts the podcast Everything Cookbooks. (@kateleahybooks)
ANNA VOLOSHYNA was born and raised in Ukraine and moved to the Bay Area at age 21. She is a culinary storyteller, activist, and author of BUDMO! Recipes from a Ukrainian Kitchen, her first cookbook which was sent to press a month before the war started in Ukraine. Anna's work has since been featured in top publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Food and Wine. She also has had many speaking engagements and spearheaded multiple fundraisers for Ukrainian causes. Accolades include the IACP Media Award and the Foreword Indies Best Indie Cookbook Award. She completed the Culinary Arts program at SF Cooking School and continues to teach online and in person in the Bay Area. (@annavoloshynacooks)
Meet the Author(s)

Future Meet the Author(s)
Feb 18 - 11:00 am
Toni in Translation: An International and Interdisciplinary Gathering
This event will delve into how Toni Morrison's works transcend borders through literary works and inspire transformative action in diverse fields.