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How do you become part of an anthology? How do you put together an anthology yourself? Join The Writers' Lunch on Friday, September 15 at 12 noon to discuss how anthologies come together and showcase writers from all genres. This session will feature E.A. Provost (New Alexandria Creative Group), Jennifer Basye Sander (Big City Books Group), and Sara Biel (Colossus Press). Moderated by Sheryl Bize-Boutte.
E.A. (Lissa) Provost is the author and illustrator of Diary of E.A.Provost/Diary of that Weird Girl and Love, Joy, & Pees, illustrated poetry books that celebrate family life for its beauty and messiness. To clear up some of that messiness, she designed Maggie’s Planner. She is the founder of the cooperative publisher, New Alexandria Creative Group. In her spare time, she is also Director of the San Francisco Writers Conference and responsible for the SFWC Writing Contest Anthologies. Visit to learn more.
Jennifer Basye Sander is an author and book packager of more than 50 titles on topics as varied as The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published (over 100,000 copies sold, now in a fourth revised edition) to The Martini Diet, and many more in between. Basye Sander has crafted more than a dozen anthologies, one of which is a New York Times bestseller. A former editor for Random House, she gives literary tours to California, Paris, and London. You can learn more at
Sara Biel is a poet, visual artist and social worker living in Oakland, Ca. She is coeditor of the Colossus Press anthology series. Sara has had poems published in sparkle and blink, Button Eye Review, Beyond Words literary magazine and won honorable mention in the Streetlight magazine 2021 poetry contest. Her chapbook, Prescribed Burn, will be published in 2023 by Finishing Line Press. She is interested in creative process as a medium for change, healing, and building community.
Award-winning author and Pushcart Prize nominee Sheryl J. Bize-Boutte is an Oakland multidisciplinary writer whose autobiographical and fictional short story collections, along with her lyrical and stunning poetry, artfully succeed in getting across deeper meanings about the politics of race and economics without breaking out of the narrative. Her writing has been variously described as “rich in vivid imagery,” “incredible,” and “great contributions to literature.” Her first novel, Betrayal on the Bayou, was published in June 2020 and a poetry collection she has written with her daughter Dr. Angela M. Boutte, titled No Poetry No Peace™, was published in August 2020 and is the namesake of the No Poetry No Peace™ series at the Mechanics Institute of San Francisco. Her in progress novel first chapter, “The Burden Keeper,” was the 2021 fiction category winner for the San Francisco Writers Conference writing contest anthology. An inaugural Oakland Poet Laureate runner-up, she is also a popular, teacher, literary reader, presenter, storyteller, curator, and emcee/host for literary and poetry events. Find out more at
The Writers' Lunch is a casual and virtual brown-bag lunch activity on the 3rd Friday of each month. Look forward to craft discussion, informal presentations on all forms of writing, and excellent conversation.
Join us, share and learn!