Are you struggling to adapt to the constantly shifting landscape of publishing? Daunted by the pressure to master marketing tactics from the perfect cover to the ideal mix of social media? Baffled by the Internet bazaar of tools, advice, and forums for readers and writers? Come to this presentation by the MI Indie Publishers' Working Group to hear about key pros and cons of publishing your book yourself, with an independent company, or via the traditional agent-corporate route.
The Indie Publishers’ Working Group recently reformed after taking an 18-month hiatus. It has met at the Mechanics’ Institute since 2010. Panelists are CJ Verburg, Patricia Dusenbury, and Adele Fasick, who are hybrid traditional and self-published writers of fiction and nonfiction, and poet and publisher Patrick Gallagher.

Future Activities
Feb 19 - 4:00 pm
Join us on the 2nd floor of the library, the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4:00-5:00 pm.
Feb 19 - 5:00 pm
Tech Support Hour (with Yeji, Wednesdays at 5:00 pm)
Get tech support from our Community Tech Network Volunteers!