Chess Room Newsletter #656 | Mechanics' Institute

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Chess Room Newsletter #656

Gens Una Sumus!

Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club Newsletter #656
January 29, 2014

Analyzing with a computer helps sometimes, because you might see a position and you think it’s better for white. Well, the computer evaluates it as a little bit better for black. If you look a little bit deeper, there are actually some dynamic factors which support the computer’s view that it’s better. Another time, it might be the other way around. But it helps to [add] to our understanding of chess if you know how to use it. And if you trust it blindly, that’s not a good idea. But if, you know, you can think for yourself and you can decide when it’s wrong, when it’s right, then it’s very, very useful. … I find playing against computers very depressing. … I don’t like losing. And I also think it’s not so useful practice [for playing with] humans, because computers — even though computers have become more human in computer style, the basic computers play an amazing dynamic and positional game. Still, it doesn’t help you too much in preparation for playing humans, which are still my main opponents.

—Magnus Carlsen, on training with computers. Mountain View, January 16, 2012.

The 14th Henry Gross Memorial G/45 will be held this Saturday at the Mechanics’ Institute.

1) Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club News

Steven Gaffagan is the sole remaining perfect score after four rounds of the Winter Tuesday Night Marathon. Gaffagan is half a point ahead of IM Ganbold Odondoo and Experts William Gray and Ashik Uzzaman. A few late entries for the tournament have pushed attendance to a record 94 players for the eight-round event.

From round 4 of the Winter Tuesday Night Marathon:
Black to move (Gray–Uzzaman after 21 Rf1)White to move (Gray–Uzzaman after 48...Ke8)
White to move (Watson–Kottkamp after 48...h4)White to move (Sahin–Poling after 19...Nfd5)
White to move (Reyes–Simpkins after 22...Rg6)White to move (Rakonitz–Regzedmaa after 32...fxg6)
For solutions, see the game scores for round 4.

Steven Gaffagan annotates his game from round three. This game (with annotations) can also be found in ChessBase and PGN format at in the Game Archives.

King’s Indian E94
Victor Todortsev–Steven Gaffagan
Winter TNM (3) 2014

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.d4 0–0 5.e4 d6 6.Be2 Nbd7 7.0–0 e5 8.d5 Nc5 9.Qc2 a5 10.Be3 Nh5 11.Qd2!? Bd7 12.Bh6 Qe7 13.Bxg7 Kxg7 14.g3 Bh3

14...f5 15.exf5 Bxf5 (15...gxf5 16.Nxe5 Nxg3 17.Nxd7 Nxe2+ 18.Nxe2 Nxd7 White’s knight has prospects on f4 and/or e6.)

15.Rfe1 h6 16.Nh4 Qg5 17.Rad1 Nf4 18.Bf1 Bxf1 19.Kxf1 Nh5 20.Kg2 Rae8 21.Nb5 Re7!?

21...Qxd2 22.Rxd2 Re7 maintains equality.

22.Qxa5 Nd3!

A surprising knight foray into the center of White’s camp.


23.Rxd3 Nf4+ 24.Kg1 a) 24.Kh1 Nxd3 25.Re3 (25.Re2 Qc1+ 26.Kg2 Qxc4) 25...Nxf2+; b) 24.Kf1! Nxd3 25.Re3 Nxb2 (25...Nc5 26.Nxc7 f5 27.exf5 (27.b4 fxe4) 27...gxf5) 26.Qb4 Nd1 27.Re1 Nxf2 28.Kxf2 f5; 24...Nxd3 25.Re3 b6 26.Qc3 Nf4.


23...Nxb2! 24.Rc1 Nd3 Odd that White missed this forced retreat. 25.Rxd3 (25.Rd1 Ndf4+ (25...f5 26.Rdxd3 Nf4+ 27.Kg1 Nxd3 28.Rxd3 Qc1+ 29.Kg2 fxe4 30.Qc3 Qb1 31.Rd2 g5 32.Rb2 Qd1 33.Rd2 Qh5 and the Knight on h4 is lost.; 25...Nb2 26.Rc1 repeats the position.)) 25...Nf4+ 26.Kg1 Nxd3 27.Rd1 Nc5 28.Nxc7 Nxe4.

24.Kh1! Nh3 25.Qe1! Qg4 26.Qe2?

26.f3 Qg5 27.b4 and Black is left searching for compensation.

26...Nxf2+ 27.Qxf2 Qxd1+ 28.Kg2 Qg4 29.Qf3 Nf4+ 30.Kh1 Qxf3+ 31.Rxf3 Nh3 32.Nc3 Ng5 33.Rf1 h5! 34.Kg2 f6 35.h3 Ref7 36.g4 Rh8–+ 37.Kg3 Rff8 38.Ng2 hxg4 39.h4 Nf3 40.Kxg4? Nd2?



41.Rc1 Nxe4 42.Nxe4 f5+ 43.Kf3 fxe4+ 44.Kxe4 Rf2.

41...Nxc4 42.b3 Nb6 43.Ne3 Rh7 44.Nb5 Rfh8 45.Ng2 f5+

Black should usually play ...f5 much earlier than move 45 in the King’s Indian Defense.

46.exf5 gxf5+ 47.Rxf5 Nxd5 48.Rf2 Rg8 49.Rd2 Kf6+ 50.Kh3 Ke6 51.a4 Rhg7 52.Re2 Rxg2 0–1

GM (and former TNM regular) Sam Shankland will be the special guest lecturer at the Mechanics’ on Tuesday, February 18, from 5:15pm to 6:15 pm. All are welcome to this free event.

2) John Grefe (1946-2014), remembered by NM Erik Osbun

My first acquaintance with John Grefe was in the late 60s sometime after he had arrived in the Bay Area. He came from New Jersey. He was always polite and pleasant, generally quiet, and entirely lacking of the New Joisey accent. He will be missed.

I noticed his clear cut and forceful method of playing the chess game. He was already a chess master, dedicated to studying the game, but not yet famous. The encounter with IM William Addison caught my attention, and I asked John that I might copy the game score and annotate it for The California Chess Reporter. It was published without notes before I had a chance to write annotations.

What appears below will perhaps atone for my slowness. It can be remarked that John’s opponent was already well known as an international master, had played with success in several U.S. Championships, and was headed to the next world championship inter-zonal tournament at Palma de Mallorca in 1970. The late William G. Addison was a formidable task for any neophyte.

The occasion was the 6th Annual Arthur B. Stamer Memorial tournament of July 4-6, 1969. It was won by the strong amateur master, Earl Pruner, who halted John’s perfect score in the last round for a clear first at 6½-½. John and Jim Schmitt tied for second at 6-1. The full report appears in The Reporter, Vol. XIX, No.1 for July-August, 1969.

Ruy Lopez C76
John Grefe–William Addison
Stamer Memorial, San Francisco, 1969

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 d6 5. c3

This is the seamless approach to the handling of the Steinitz Defense Deferred, also given the name “Champion Defense” by Hans Kmoch in World Chessmasters in Battle Royal by Horowitz and Kmoch (1949).

Not so “seamless” is the main alternative 5.Bxc6+ bxc6 6.d4, adopted by Grefe on several subsequent and victorious occasions: Grefe–Tarjan, National Open, Las Vegas, 1971; Grefe– Biyiasis, American Open, L.A., 1972; Grefe–Rowley, National Open, Las Vegas, 1974; and Grefe–Hughes, Paul Masson, Los Gatos, 1974. All of these games are to be found in the pages of The Reporter, and leads your writer to wonder if John in his extensive studies had found the most dangerous test of the “Champion Defense.”


The fianchetto variation of the “Champion Defense”, in which Black assumes more delicate responsibilities of defense than in the straightforward 5…Nf6 6.d4 Bd7 7.0-0 Be7 8.Nbd2 0-0 9.Re1 Re8 (Tal–Gligoric, Zurich, 1959). The fianchetto can still be obtained after a further 10.h3 Bf8 11.Bc2 g6 12.Nf1 Bg7 (Durasevic–Smyslov, Belgrade, 1956).

6. d4 Bd7 7. 0-0 Bg7 8. dxe5

The exchange on e5 is the most common continuation, but to be considered is either 1) 8.d5 Nce7 9.Bxd7+ Qxd7 10.c4 Nf6 11.Nc3 0-0 12.Rb1 (or 12.c5 as in Kliavin–Bronstein, U.S.S.R. Team Champ., Moscow, 1960, and Simagin–Gipslis, Vilnius, 1960) Ne8 13.b4 h6 14.Nd2 (Vasiukov–Rabar, Moscow, 1961), or 2) 8.Re1 Nge7 9.d5 Nb8 10.Bxd7+ Nxd7 11.Be3 h6 12.Nfd2 0-0 13.c4 f5 14.f3 (J. Polgar–Spassky, 4th Match Game, Budapest, 1993). The essential fact of these positions is the relative qualities of the remaining dark-square bishops.


Maintaining the open diagonal for the king’s bishop is not good: 8…Nxe5 9.Nxe5 Bxe5 ( Or 9…dxe5 10.f4 of Fine–Alekhine, A.V.R.O., 1938, but actually 10.Bxd7+ Qxd7 11.Qxd7+ Kxd7 12.f4 is more accurate.) 10.f4 Bg7 11.Be3 Ne7 12.Nd2 b5 13.Bc2 Nc6 14.Nf3 Qe7 15.Qd2 Rd8 16.Rae1 Be6 17.b3 f6 18.f5, with advantage for White (Showalter–Atkins, U.S.A.–G.B. Cable Match, 1897).

9. Bg5

The main alternative is 9.Be3 Nge7 10.Bc5 b6 11.Ba3 b5 12.Bc2 0-0 13.Nbd2, which brought White success in the signal game Boleslavsky–Nezhmetdinov, 24th U.S.S.R. Champ., Moscow, 1957. However, Black should reply to 9.Be3 with the better 9…Nf6 10.Nbd2 Qe7 11.b4 b6

(E.G. Sergeant–Alekhine, Margate, 1937, and Gligoric–Olafsson, Portoroz, 1958).


A weaker response to White’s threat is 9…f6 10.Be3 Qe7 (If 10…Nh6 11.Nbd2 Nf7 12.b4 0-0 13.Bb3 Re8 14.a4 Be6 15.Bxe6 Rxe6 16.Qb3, White has the advantage in Tal–Brinck-Claussen,

Hastings, 1963–64.) 11.b4 Rd8 12.Nbd2 Qf7 13.Qe2 Nge7 14.Bb3 Be6 15.Bxe6 Qxe6 16.Nb3 b6

(Black has to prevent 17.Nc5.) 17.Qxa6, and White has won a pawn (Janowski–Blackburne, London, 1899).

At the turn of the century David Janowski was one of the strongest players in the world, but he had lost two games with the black side of this variation prior (to Baird at Leipzig, 1894, and to Schiffers at Hastings, 1895). On that “advice” he decided to switch his color allegiance for the game with Blackburne.

A worthwhile response to White’s threat is 9…Nf6 10.Nbd2 Qe7 11.b4 0-0 12.Bb3 h6 13.Be3 (Gligoric–Sliwa, Alekhine Memorial, Moscow, 1956), but Black must be prepared to play the compromised endgame arising from 10.Bxc6 (instead of Gligoric’s 10.Nbd2) Bxc6 11.Nxe5 Qxd1 12.Rxd1 Nxe4 13.Bf4.

10. Qc1

The White players have made several choices at this point. Exploring a few of the more notable games yields the following results:

1) 10.Qd3 h6 11.Be3 Bg4 12.Qe2 0-0 13.Nbd2?! (Alekhine wrote that 13.Bc5 would have given White the advantage.) f5 14.h3 Bh5 15.Bb3+ Kh8 16.exf5 gxf5 17.g4 fxg4 18.Ne1? (18.Nh2 is better.) Nd5 19.hxg4 Nxe3 20.fxe3 Qg5 21.Be6 Bxg4! 22.Qxg4 Qxe3+ 23.Kh1 Qxd2, and Black won (Yates–Alekhine, New York, 1924).

2) 10.Qd3 h6 11.Be3 b6 12.Rd1 Qc8 13.Bb3 Bg4 14.Nbd2 0-0 15.h3 Be6 16.Nf1 Rd8 17.Qe2 Rxd1 18.Rxd1 Bxb3 19.axb3 Qe6 (Black offered a draw hereabouts.) 20.b4 f5 21.Bc1 f4 22.Kh2 a5 23.b5 Nd8 24.N1d2 Nf7 25.Qc4? Qxc4 26.Nxc4 Kf8 27.Kg1 Ke8 28.Kf1 Rd8 29.Rxd8+ Kxd8 30.Ke2 Kd7 31.b3 Nc8 32.Kd3 Na7 33.Na3 Bf8 34.c4 Bc5, and with his formerly inactive bad bishop reactivated, Black has a winning endgame (Aronin–Bronstein, 24th U.S.S.R. Champ., Moscow, 1957).

3) 10.Qd2 h6 11.Be3 Na5 12.Bxd7+ Qxd7 13.Qxd7+ Kxd7 14.Na3 Ke6 15.Rad1 b6 16.Ne1 f5 17.f3 Nb7 18.Nd3 Nd6 19.Nf2 Rhd8, and once again Black has a favorable endgame (Wade–Bronstein, Amsterdam, 1954).

4) 10.Qe2 h6 11.Be3 0-0 12.Rd1 Qc8 13.Nbd2 b6 14.Nf1 Be6 15.Ng3 Qb7 16.Bb3 Bxb3 17.axb3 a5 18.h4 Rad8 19.h5 Qc8 20.Qc4 g5 21.Nh2 (Stronger is 21.Nf5.) Rxd1+ 22.Rxd1 Rd8 23.Re1 Rd6! 24.f3 Qd7 25.Ng4 Nd8 26.Kh2 Rc6 27.Qb5 Rd6 28.Qxd7 Rxd7, and the game was drawn (Keres–Medina, Goteborg, 1955).

Evidently the placement of the white queen on the 10th turn plays a significant role in the course of the game. John addresses this problem by his selection of 10.Qc1.


Almost at once Black makes an error. Since it is in Black’s interest to trade his king’s bishop, he should welcome 10…0-0 11.Rd1 Qe8 12.Bh6 Rd8 13.Bxg7 Kxg7 as attested in ECO, 4th edition, C76, based upon the game Tringov–Medina, Tel Aviv, 1964.

11. Be3


Black prevents 12.Bc5, but the correct exchanges are what he should seek instead. The prior experience with this variation is as follows:

1) 11..Bg4 12.Rd1 Qc8 13.Nbd2 0-0 14.Bc5 Rd8 15.Bb3 b6 16.Ba3 Re8 17.Bc4 Nd8 18.Bf1 f5 19.Re1 f4 20.Qc2 g5 21.Bxe7! Rxe7 22.Red1 Bf6 23.a4 Bh5 24.a5 b5 25.Qb3+ Bf7 26.c4 c5 27.Qc2 b4 28.Nb3 Nb7 29.Ne1 Qc7 30.Rd2 Rd8 31.Rd5! Rd6 32.Nf3 Re8 33.Nfd2 Kg7 34.Qd1 Rc6 35.Be2 Rd8 36.Bh5 Bg8 37.h3 Nd6 38.Qe2 Qa7 39.Qd3 Qe7 40.Qc2 Bxd5? 41.exd5 Rc7 42.Ne4 Nxe4 43.Qxe4 Kh8 44.Rd1 Rd6 45.Rd3 Qh7 46.Nd2 Qxe4 47.Nxe4 Be7 48.Kf1 Bf8 49.Ke2 Rd8 50.b3 Bd6 51.Rd1 Kg7 52.Kf3 Ra7 53.Kg4 Re7 54.Rf1 Ra7 55.Kf3 Be7 56.Re1 Rb7 57.Kg4 Ra7 58.Kf5 Rf8+ 59.Ke6 Bf6 60.d6 R7a8 61.Nxc5 Bd8 62.Nd7 Bxa5 63.Nxf8 Kxf8 64.Rxe5 Bd8 65.c5 a5 66.c6 Ra7 67.Rf5+ Kg7 68.c7, Black resigns (Kupchik–Kevitz, Bradley Beach, 1929). The full score is given without comment to illustrate the prescient technique that Kupchik used to make the most of the light-colored square highway to penetrate into Black’s position. The black king’s bishop is proved no better than a tall pawn.

2) 11…Na5 12.Rd1 b5 13.Bc2 Nc8 14.Nbd2 Nd6 15.b4 Nab7 16.a4?! (Stronger is 16.Nb3 preventing castling and taking charge of square c5.) 0-0 17.Nb3 Kh7 18.Nc5 Bc6 19.Bb3 Qe7 20.Bd5 Bxd5 21.Rxd5 c6 22.Rd1 Rfd8 23.Nd2 Nxc5 24.Bxc5 Qe6, and drawn (Evans–Bronstein, U.S.A.–U.S.S.R. Match, Moscow, 1955).

3) 11…Qc8 12.Rd1 Bg4 13.Nbd2 0-0 14.h3 Be6 15.Nf1 Kh7 16.Bc5 Rd8 17.Ne3 Rxd1+ 18.Qxd1 g5? 19.Nd5 Ng6 20.Nh2 Nf4 21.Ng4 f5 22.Ngf6+ Kg6 23.Nxf4+ gxf4 24.Nd5 b5 25.Bc2 Kg5 26.Ne7 Nxe7 27.Bxe7+ Kg6 28.exf5+ Kf7 29.Bh4 Bd7 30.Qd5+, Black resigns (Filip–Sliwa, C.S.R.–Poland, Warsaw, 1956).

12. Rd1 Qc8

Black cannot castle where he should, on the king’s side, so he prepares to do it on the other side while using his kingside pawns to assault the white king. He threatens 13…Bg4 followed by 14…f5.

13. Ne1

This meets the threat and maintains a pawn at e4. 13.Nbd2?! would allow 13…0-0.


An even less attractive post for the queen, but that is part of his plan. The “devil’s advocate” suggests that 13…Be6 might be better.

14. Nd2

14.Bb3 would be met by 14…Qc8.

14….0-0-0 15. b4

White makes his bid for action, but, as shown by what follows, the “action” appears to operate in unobtrusive slow motion.


Black unfurls his plan, but should not the conservative 15…Be6 be considered? It is met by 16.Bb3 in order to eliminate opposition by Black via the light-colored squares.

16. f3 f4 17.Bf2 g5 18.Bb3 g4 19.Nc4


This exchange helps White to develop. Black should play 19…h5 with the idea of 20…h4 and 21…g3, giving White more to think about. If, after 19…h5, then following the actual game development by 20.a4 Ng6 21.a5 b5 22.Nb2 Nce7 23.Qc2 h4 24.fxg4 Bxg4 25.Rxd8+ (Not 25.Nf3? h3!, and Black gets chances.) Rxd8 26.h3 Bd7 27.Nf3 Bf6, and Black is in better shape to hold the position than in the actual game. However, the weaknesses in Black’s position remain (square c5, poor queen position, and bad dark-square bishop).

20. Nxf3 Bg4 21.a4 Ng6 22.a5!?

This strong move forces Black to give up control of square c5.

22….b5 23. Nb2 Nce7

Black hastens to prevent 24.Bd5.

24. Qc2 Rxd1+ 25. Rxd1 Rd8 26. Rxd8+ Kxd8

27. Nd2

Although Black has traded off all rooks, his problems are just beginning. White prepares to occupy square c5 with a knight. The ultimate target is the black pawn on a6!

27….Bf6 28. Nd3 Qc6 29. Nc5 Bh4

Black bids to trade off his worst piece.

30. Qd3+ Ke8 31. g3

Not yet.

31….fxg3 32. hxg3 Bg5 33. Be3

Now is the moment to exchange.


Black is desperate to use his queen, but this only accelerates his demise. Relatively best is to exchange 33…Bxe3+ 34.Qxe3 h5 35.Qf2 Bc8 (The threat is 36.Qf7+ Kd8 37.Bd5.) 36.Bd1! Bg4 37.Bxg4 hxg4 38.Qe2 Qd6 39.Nf1, but White wins the g-pawn and only later the a-pawn.

34. Bxg5 hxg5 35. Qf1!

The liquidation is beautiful.


Or 35…Qc6 36.Qf7+ Kd8 37.Bd5 Nxd5 38.exd5, and White wins.

36. Kxf1 Bc8 37. Be6 Black resigns

The a-pawn is lost whatever Black replies.

3) Upcoming Events

Feb. 15-17 or 16-17 31st Annual (2014) U.S. Amateur Team Championship West

NOTE: Scholastic on Feb. 15 only, Blitz on Feb. 17 only. Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy. Free Parking! Hotel: $79 (single/double) or $89 (Triple/Quad). Biltmore Hotel & Suites, 2151 Laurelwood Rd., Santa Clara, CA 95054. Call 408.988.8411 or 800.255.9925 (booking id 29049). Reserve by Jan. 31 or rates may increase. Teams: Four-player teams plus optional alternate, average rating of four highest must be under 2200, difference between ratings of board 3 & 4 must be less than 1000. January 2014 Supplement, CCA min, & TD discretion used to place players accurately. Main Event Prizes: Special 4 commemorative clocks (trophy for the reserve) and team trophy to the team for top 3 overall teams, top team u2000, u1800, u1600, u1400, and u1200. Trophies to all players of the top “industry” team (currently at the same company), top “female” team, top “college” team (students/alumni of a college), top “high school” team (students/alumni of a 7-12 school), top “elementary school” team (students/alumni of a K-6 school), top “club” team, and top “family” team (related by blood or marriage within 3 generations). Clocks to top scorer on each board (1-4), trophy to top reserve as well as second and third scorers on each board (1-4). Gift certificates for best 3 team names. Main Event EF: $220/team or $55/player by 2/10. 2/11-13: $10 extra per player or team. Onsite or after 2/13: $20 extra per player ($80 extra per team). 3-day Sched: Onsite Registration at Sat 9:30-10:30a, Round Times at Sat & Sun 11:30a 5:30p, Mon 10a 3:30p. Time Control: 40/120 SD/30 d5. 2-day Sched: Onsite Registration at Sun 8:30-9a, Round Times at Sun 10a 12:30p 2:50p 5:30p, Mon 10a 3:30p. Time Control: G/61 d5 in Rounds 1-3, 40/120 SD/30 d5 in Rounds 4-6 (merge in Round 4 with 3-day schedule). Info/flyer: Scholastic Event Prizes: Trophies to each player in Top 3 teams overall, Top u800 team, u600 team, u400 team, and u200 team. Trophies to top “female” team, top “academic” team, and top “club” team. Trophies to top two scorers on each board (1-4). Commemorative medals to all participants. Scholastic Event EF: $148/team or $37/player by 2/10. 2/11-13: $10 extra per player or team. Onsite or after 2/13: $20 extra per player ($80 extra per team). Discount: $10/player ($40/team) if registering for 2-day schedule and scholastic event. Sched: Onsite Registration: Sat 8:30-9a | Games at Sat 10a 11:30a 1p 2:30p 4:15p. Info/flyer: Blitz Event: Registration Mon 7-8pm, G/5 d0, Rounds 8:30-10:30pm. EF: $14, $16 onsite. 75% of entry fees returned as prizes. Contact: Organized by Salman Azhar and Aamir Azhar. Directed by Tom Langland, John McCumiskey, Jordan Langland, and others. Sponsored by Bay Area Chess. Online entry at or mail to Bay Area Chess, 1639A South Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035. For questions or help in forming teams email [email protected]. NS. NC. W.

Mar. 14-16 or 15-16 Bay Area Chess FM Eric Schiller Championship

Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50 (Enhanced)

6SS, G/90 +30 (u1600 G/90 d5) 2day rds. 1-2 G/55 d5. 1639A S. Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035. Park free. Prize 6,000 b/89 (5/6 guar). 3 sects: 2000+ (FIDE rated) $1,000-500-300-200, u2300: 300-100. 1600-1999: $800-400-200, u1800: 300-100, u1600: $800-300-100 u1400: 200-100, u1200: 200-100. Unr max $100 exc Open. Mar 14 Supp & TD disc. Reg.: F 6-6:45p & Sa 9-9:15a. Rds.: F 7p, Sa 9:30 2 6:30, Su 10 2:30. (u1600: F 7p, Sa 9:30 2 5:30, Su 10 1:30p). 2-day Rds. 1-2: Sa 9:30 11:45 & merge. EF: 99, after 3/11 +20. Playup +20. Econ EF: 66 w/50% prz: Rated 2250+ $0 by 3/4. Info: NS. NC.

Apr. 18-20 3rd Annual RENO-LARRY EVANS MEMORIAL OPEN (formerly the Far West Open)

Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 150 (Enhanced)

6SS, 40/2, G/1 d5. Sands Regency Hotel/Casino, 345 N. Arlington Ave., Reno, NV 89501.1-866-386-7829 or (775) 348-2200. $$21,000 b/250. $$14,000 Gtd. (Prizes 1-10 in Open Section Gtd. plus 1/2 of all other prizes). 5 Sections. Open (2000 & above): EF: $137, (1999 & below = $151) (GMs & IMs free but must enter by (3/1) or pay late fee). $$2,000-1,200-1000-700-500-400-300-300-300,300, (2399/below) $1,000, (2299/below) $1,000,(2199/below) $1000-500-300-200 (If a tie for 1st then a playoff for $100 out of prize fund plus trophy). FIDE. Sec.”A”(1800-1999): EF: $136; $$1,000-500-400-300-200-100-100. Sec.”B”(1600-1799): EF: $135; $$900-500-400-300-200-100-100. Sec.”C”(1400-1599): EF: $134; $$700-500-400-300-200-100-100. Sec.”D”/under (1399-below): EF: $133; $$600-400-300-200-100-100-100; Top Senior (65+) $200; Club Champ. $400-200. ALL: Entries must be postmarked by 3/22 or pay late fee-$11 until 4/11 (do not mail after 4/11 or email after 4/15) $22 at site. All classes have trophies 1st – 3rd. Unrated players are free entry but not eligible for cash prizes- must join USCF for 1 full year thru this tournament. 1st Unrated = trophy + 1 yr. USCF Mem. $10 discount to Seniors (65+ yrs.). Players may play up. Provisionally rated players may only win 1/2 of 1st place money. CCA ratings may be used. Note: pairings not changed for color unless 3 in a row or a plus 3 and if the unlikely situation occurs 3 colors in a row may be assigned. SIDE EVENTS: Wednes. (4/16) 7:00pm GM Sergey Kudrin – Clock Simul with game analysis ($30). Thurs. (4/17) 6-7:15pm Lecture by IM John Donaldson (FREE); 7:30pm- GM Melikset Khachiyan - Simul ($20); 7:30pm-Blitz G/5 d0 tourney($20) 80% entries = Prize Fund. Sat. (4/19) (3-4:30pm) Free Game/Position Analysis - IM John Donaldson. ALL REG: (4/17) 5-9pm,(4/18) 9-10am. RDS.: (Fri)12-7, (Sat)10-6, (Sun)9:30-4:30. Byes available any round (if requested by Rd.1). ENT: make checks payable and send to: SANDS REGENCY (address listed above), postmarked by 3/22. $11 late fee if postmarked after 3/22 and before 4/12. Do not mail after 4/12. Email entries after 4/14 will pay $22 late fee. $22 late fee at site. HR: (Sun-Thurs. $25!) (Fri. & Sat. $40!) + tax.1-866-386-7829 mention (Code) CHESS0418 (Reserve by 4/1/14) to get Chess rate. INFO: Jerry Weikel, 6578 Valley Wood Dr., Reno, NV 89523, (775) 747-1405, [email protected] Or check out our website at: To verify entry check website.

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